{Please note that ALL photographs on this blog are from Studio LRT taken by Linda Talley are protected by U.S. Copyright Laws and may NOT be reproduced an ANY manner.}

Sunday, January 25, 2009

February Special

I hope Everyone had a great weekend! It hasn't been that great for us at our house. We have come down with the tummy bug that has been going around. YUCK!!!! I wanted to let everyone know that if you book a session the month of February you will get a complimentary 8x10 when you make an order. Also, if you refer a client to me and they mention your name you will also get a complimentary 8x10 at your next session. I know that is is so cold outside. I have taken some great photos of my own kids layered on clothes and they are adorable. So, don't let that stop you. I took some of the cutest pictures last week when it snowed and  I will post them on here! Hope to hear from you soon and you can email me to book a session or contact me through the website posted at the top of the blog!!!!! Hope you have a great rest of the weekend!!!! 

Saturday, January 24, 2009

This is my gorgeous niece Katie! We did this shoot back in November. I didn't post pictures then. I didn't want to post any until I finished her book. Well a month later, I am posting some of them.  She will probably kill me for putting these up on the website and the bog. But, this was her first baby and I couldn't help myself. Sorry Katie!!!!! You are way to cute to not show these off. Her hubby Christian was quite a sport also. 

Now, I can't wait to take pictures of the new man in her life. I have a few from the hospital. But, my favorite was his feet! As you can see from the picture it is absolutely adorable! Congrats Katie and Christian on baby Sabastian! He is one lucky little boy to have such great new parents. I knew when Katie was in the room when I delivered Emma that she was going to be a wonderful Mother!! I love you K-Talley!!!!!!

Friday, January 16, 2009

                I love to read blogs. I sometimes will sit for hours and read blogs.
        I love to read new blogs and have found one this evening and am almost in tears as I 
      post this. I hope you will check out this blog. It has made me very aware of my own life and 
       what I should be thankful for. I sometimes think about how my life would have turned out
     had I waited to have children later on in life. Then, I am quickly reminded by my little one's 
      that life wouldn't quite be the same without them. I know that sometimes my patience can
    run very thin with them. Sometimes it seems as if I have screamed and yelled all day at them.
   I read blogs or see something on TV and Mommy's and Daddy's are so doting on their kids
    as if they are the most perfect child, never doing anything wrong. I look at myself and think,     do they ever feel the way I feel? Do they have the days where they think.... Why do I yell so                much?I am sure they do. Being a parent is the most demanding title, yet    
    the best!!!! Tonight, after reading this blog that I will post the address at the end, I                          am reminded that I am so blessed. I have HEALTHY children! I have HAPPY children and   my kids have HEALTHY AND  HAPPY PARENTS!  Do I need more? NO!!!!! I can hold my kids     anytime I want. I can kiss
 them and let them know  how much they are loved! So, tonight I will hug my kids and not
        let go. I am so thankful for them. I am thankful that I am a MOMMY!!!!!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year!!! I can't believe that it is 2009! I am very excited to start this new year. It is like a clean slate! This year I plan on spending more time with friends and family. I think it is really sad that we pack all our family visits into the week of Christmas! So, I am going to change that this year. More family time!!!!  I want to start traditions for my children that they can carry on into their families. So, my goal this year is not only to be a great mom, but to start traditions for my kids! I want to thank all of our family and friends that came to our house or had us at theirs. We love you dear friends and family!!!!! Happy New Year to all!!!!!!