{Please note that ALL photographs on this blog are from Studio LRT taken by Linda Talley are protected by U.S. Copyright Laws and may NOT be reproduced an ANY manner.}

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Back To School Fall Mini Sessions

With school under way now for most kids, It is time to start thinking about school pictures. I, from my own experience have order those school pictures year after year and they have never been super special. Everyone I know has felt the same way.....So, I have decided to do a Back To School Fall Mini Session...These sessions will take place on September 18th.....I will be posting a time sheet for times. These sessions will be 15 minutes long and will take place outside. If you have never done outdoor photos....YOU WILL LOVE THEM! The lighting is amazing and the backgrounds are beautiful. If you want to reserve a time slot....email me....
These packages that are listed below include my session fee!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Lindsey Kardatzke

This is the gorgeous Lindsey who has an amazing voice and she wanted to do a session for a CD she is making right now! As soon as I get the link for the song she finished recording the other day I will post it! It is awesome! She is so much fun to photograph and sure makes my job easy! There will be more to come as we have yet another session this evening....Until then...

Friday, August 6, 2010

Nick's 1st day of Kindergarten!

Today my youngest started Kindergarten and all I could think about was the day I brought him home from the hospital and thinking this day was so far off. These past 5 years seem to have flown by and this day has snuck up on me so fast! I can't believe that this is our next faze in our lives and all I want to do is hold him wrapped up in a blanket again and hold on to him so tight. He is a big boy now and was very excited to start school. He never shed a tear and although, I am grateful he didn't..... I shed enough tears for the both of us and they were tears of joy and sadness. Joy-for the happiness and fun and relationships he will build. Sadness- for me, he isn't so little anymore and as I held his hand walking into to school today...I realized I didn't have my Mom to call and reassure me that this was one of those milestones that your child reaches and whether I am ready or not....He is! I know she is watching over him today and giving him the confidence and security she gave me that 1st day of school.
Nicky, I want you to know that you have become such a sweet and caring little boy and we love you so much! I am so proud of the little boy you have become! Happy Kindergarten Day!