{Please note that ALL photographs on this blog are from Studio LRT taken by Linda Talley are protected by U.S. Copyright Laws and may NOT be reproduced an ANY manner.}

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

 I can't believe the year is about to be over! I sit here thinking about the year that we have had here at the Talley home and am very thankful for the year that we have had. I, like many others seem to make resolutions that I never keep. So, I decided that this year I am going to simplify my life and not make crazy resolutions I know will not be met!!! This year, I am going to make resolutions that will make my life easy and fun. For instance, when the kids want to play a game, instead of saying no" the house needs cleaned" I am going to play that game because the house will never stay clean!!!!! No, I am not on strike! I realized that my kids are only little so long and I want to spend as much time with them as I can. My biggest gift in life was my children and I do not want to take that for granted and sometimes I feel I do. So, with that said, I will make a resolution that will not be difficult to break. I am going to hug, hold, kiss, play, laugh, and love my kids like crazy!!!!!!!!! My kids have shaped me into the person I am today! I owe that to them. I am very thankful for getting to be a Mommy!!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The holidays

                                                The newest addition to our family.... ( Sabastian )
                                                                       The Girls

                                                                 The grandkids

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Haven't had a minute to sit down until now to post a blog. We had a great Christmas! We got to spend it with family and friends that we don't get to see much. It's a little sad that we don't get to see them because most live in the same town. I guess it's just that everyone is so busy and I guess that's what made it so special this year. Everyone took the time.  I wanted to post a few cute shot I got from our family gatherings! 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Nick!

      I can hardly believe that just 4 years ago today, I held Nick in my arms for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday! I think when you know you have had your last baby, you know it's the beginning of a brand new chapter...But sometimes seems like the last chapter! That is how I am feeling today! Very happy for my big boy, who is very happy that he is 4 today. But, sad for me, because I know he will not stay that little baby I held in my arms very long. I adore the little boy he has become and the little man I know he will be! So, I will not bore you with all the sadness I am feeling today, Just a few pics of my baby boy!!!!! I love you Nicky!!! Happy Birthday and thank you for choosing me to be your MOMMY!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Nick "As The Grinch"

What an Imagination!!! Can you tell what their newest Obsession is????? 

The Grinch!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Emma!

Today is Emma's 6th birthday!!! My girl is growing up. I can't believe that 6 years ago I had my first child. It took us 5 years to get her here and I adore the little girl she is turning out to be. I know it goes by too fast and I have to stop and enjoy every little detail of her life from how great she colors to how she loves to have her back scratched at night when she falls asleep! I will miss those things. I know all to well that one day very soon she won't ask me those sweet little things like "Mommy how do you spell........." which is what we do here every 5 seconds.  So with that I want to say Happy Birthday Miss Emma!!!! I love you and I am very proud of you and Thankyou for choosing me to be your MOMMY!!!! Also, thankyou for always being my subject for all those photos I want to try. I hope you love your new camera and enjoy this wonderful Hobby as I do!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I wanted to thank Tiffany for all her help this weekend. She was a huge help and I would not have been able to do all those pictures without her. So thank you so much. You are a rockstar girl to hold up in that freezing weather!!!   And of course to Missy and Scott for letting me be there to do the pictures. So thank you so much guys.

It was a fun weekend at Creekside Nursery this weekend. I took photos there for kids that wanted their picture made with Santa. As you can see my kids made the scene and Nick only wanted to sit with Daddy and tell Santa from a distance what he wanted for Christmas. It was his first year getting even close to Santa. So, we were patient. I believe daddy tried to go incognito with the shades as you can see. FYI daddy lose the shades next year. But, thanks for keeping the distance from Santa for me......Love Nick! 

Friday, December 5, 2008


I would like to remind everyone that Creekside Nursery will be having Santa and a few of his reindeer this weekend. So be sure and come down to have your picture made with Santa. I will be doing photos, so no need for you to worry about bringing your camera. It can be taken for you and put in a nice card for $5.00. I can also do packages and they can be ordered and sent to you within 3-5 days. My holiday packages start at $15.00. So be sure to come out and get your Christmas tree or decorations and see Santa. Hope to see everyone there..... 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bevers photo shoot

Yes, Blake is the one not lookin at the camera!
Brad, Brandon and Davin You are so precious!!!
I did a shoot for my nephews yesterday and wanted to post a few pictures. A little sneak preview. Also wanted to update ....I was informed that I do not update enough!!!! So here you go Tiffany. This is the 3rd time that I have done a shoot with little Blake. I still haven't gotten him to look at the camera with the other boys. So, sorry that you can't see his beautiful little eyes. He's a people watcher and we were at the park. So there you go.........Enjoy and I will update sooner...... 

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Black Friday Shopping

   Well, I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving.  It is officially the Christmas season. I have a new obsession everyone..... Online Christmas  shopping!!! I did a little shopping online on Black Friday. Let's just say I have never been one of those crazy get up at 3 am, have my every move mapped out with a time line...... kind of people. So, online shopping worked pretty well for me. Except, you didn't get some of the deals that you would have gotten had you went into the store. But, like I said, I am not one of those crazy people. So, long story short, I tried to get into the Christmas spirit by actually getting out of my pj's and going to the store. Well, it was raining....... It was sooooo packed......my jeans were soaked.........I was freezing..........I couldn't get my buggy in the isles........They were out of what I was looking for........Did I say that it was raining and I was freezing????????? FYI......Online shopping ROCKS!!!!! You don't have to get out of you pj's......no fighting over isles...... they have things you are looking for.....and who cares if it's raining!!!!!!!! So, I am here to say that most of my shopping will be done ONLINE!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

                                        Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

  What started out just redoing the floors in our house has become much more than that. First we started putting hardwood down about a month ago. Then I decided to paint a few rooms. Ok, every room! Yes every room. I believe that every room in the house will have been redone. I feel it on my back, legs and neck everyday! 
  Miss Emma said the other night "Mommy, I am sick of this" what I ask (Emma)"I am sick of living like this" like what I ask (Emma) "Sick of all this paint and this whole house".  Well Emma, Mommy is too. Be patient, we are almost there. I promise we will be finished very soon. 
  Quick reminder,,, Don't forget on December 6th and 7th , I will be at Creekside Nursery that weekend. I know I have said it before, but it will be absolutely a ball for the kids. Santa and a few of his reindeer will be there. So, be sure to get the kids out there that weekend. I will be there doing photos for those who want to purchase and we will also have portrait packages for purchase. You can put your order in and receive them within a week. They will be mailed to you. 
  Some of you can even have Christmas cards made and have them mailed to you within 3-5 days. So come on out and we hope to see you there......

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Ok, we decided , well I decided that I was going to try and get some shots of the kids for possible Christmas cards. Keeper???? Not sure yet. Anyway, I did get some good shots of the kids. Well, three of the kids. Miss Emma who is usually on top of her game decided that with a dog around, she wanted no part in that. You see, she is deathly afraid of dogs, cats, anything with 4 legs. So, while we were at their Poppy's house doing photos they had a Golden Retriever  that they were trying to find a home for. The first few hours were not fun trying to get pictures
done. Long story short, this was a week and a half ago and we are now the proud owners of JAKE!!!! (The Golden Retriever) And we are also proud to say that Emma is now over her fear of DOGS! Not sure about anything else. One step at a time People.........   
                            This is the only good photo with Emma in it not running from Jake!

                                                          I love this one of Ellie & Nick.

                                   My two favorite guys!!!!! And yes Nick seemed to have stole the show!!!!
He had big shoes to fill that day because Emma (the one who usually steals it) was too busy making sure the dog was nowhere around.

 Emma I am so proud of you for being a brave little girl! You make me proud to be your mom everyday. I know how hard this was for you. I Love you>>>>  

Monday, November 10, 2008

Creekside Open House

 I hope everyone had a great weekend. Seems they get shorter and shorter! Wanted to let everyone know that Creekside nursery will be holding their open house on the weekend of Dec.6  and 7th!! I will be setting up a photo booth. It had a great turn out last year and hope you come out. One of my very best friends and her family own it so you should go check it out. Be ready to get photos taken.... Maybe your Christmas card.......Maybe some Christmas gifts.....
I have a link posted so go check it out!!!! 


Friday, November 7, 2008

Rain, Rain Go Away.....

 OK,  I do like the rain if I can curl up on the couch with a great book and a cup of coffee....
But, that wasn't the case today. I hope everyone is having a great day and maybe some of you were able to do what I wanted to today.
 It is crazy to think about the upcoming holidays fast approaching us. It seems that this year has quickly come and gone. But, I am almost glad that it has. You see, we had a rough year last year. Last Oct. 14 my husband was setting up a hunting tree stand and extension  ladder and was strapping the ladder to the tree and the tree stand broke.... Yes broke,,, he was 16 feet up in the tree. Well, a helicopter ride and 22 broken bones and 5 days in the hospital later and 3 months in a back brace with 2 months of physical therapy I am happy to see this year end. He is doing well and is 100%.... Which we were afraid he would never be 100%.... So, we count our blessings each and everyday because he was millimeters away from doing damage to his spinal cord. So we do count our blessing and realize that one day you may wake up and have the best day you can have while others are not. I hope you realize when your husband, child, wife, father, mother, siblings or best friend walk out the door tell them you love them. Give them a hug or a kiss and remember why you love them.  
     { I love you J.T., Even if you steal the computer from me } 

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Kids

I have finally gotten around to posting some pictures and I hope you enjoy them. I have to say,,, they are the cutest things ever. Even if they are mine. I love this picture of Ellie & Nick. It's nice to see even with such an age gap they adore each other..... 
Brooks  & Nick are extremely close and I hope they hold that bond forever.....
Miss little Hannah Montana is working that wig......

         Nick,,, I hope your dream comes true.....
I hope you are having a great day.....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Tag Your It



Instruction: Answer the questions with one word or a little more, and then tag three friends. This is going to be fun!
1. Where is your cell phone? Beside me
2. Your significant other? Johnny Talley
3. Your hair? brown
4. Your mother? Missed Terribly
5. Your Father? 
6. Your favorite thing? My Kids & Mac
7. Your dream last night? Can't remember
8. Your favorite drink? Sweet tea
9. Your dream goal? A Booming Photography Business
10. The room you’re in? Bedroom (11:01pm)
11. Your hobby? Photography
12. Your fear? Dying Before My Kids Are Grown
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Bigger House With Small Payment
14. What you’re not? Shy
15. Muffins? Blueberry
16. One of your wishlist items? Canon 50D
17. Where you grew up? Maryville, TN
18. Last thing you did? Stained Hardwood Floors
19. What are you wearing? PJ's
20. Favorite gadget? Mac & Camera
21. Your pets? Jake (Golden Retriever)
22. Your computer? Mac
23.Your mood? Tired
24. Missing someone? My Mom
25. Your car? Toyota Sequoya
26. Something you’re not wearing? shoes
27. Favorite store? Too many favorites :)
28. Like someone? yes
29. Favorite color? Brown, Black
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31.When was the last time you cried? Yesterday
I tag: Missy and Tiffany

Chris & Sabrina

This is a shoot I did a few weeks ago for my brother in- law and his finance. Here is a sneak peak of some of the photos from their engagement session. I love to shoot couples. Chris and Sabrina are getting married next June. She is going to be a beautiful bride and I can't wait to have her as a sister in-law. She is a sweetie! Christopher, you are one lucky guy. Of course, she to is lucky to have gotten a great guy. I hope you have the best life. Thank you for allowing me to share a fun couple of hours and I love you guys. 

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween Face


    For those of you who know me, you know how much I love to redecorate my house. Well, I am  here to tell you that as much as I love redoing my home, I am officially over the whole process. I know you all have heard it before, but after we finish this time, it will stay that way!!!! 
   Halloween was a ton of fun. I loved seeing the kids dressed up. Emma was the oh so popular Hannah Montana. Nick was a football player. Yes, I know how surprised you must be. They were adorable. Oh and It wouldn't be Halloween without a little complaining. FYI to those who will be giving out candy next year,,, JUICE BOXES OR LITTLE BOTTLES OF WATER!!!!!!!! In case you needed any ideas.
  Well off to sanding floors...........

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Growing before my very eyes!

As we get ready for Halloween, which is a huge day in my house, I am quickly reminded how much my children are growing before my very eyes! I have times where I  get really emotional about it. You see, my husband and  tried to get pregnant for 5 years with no luck. I had 3 miscarriages and was about to give up on motherhood. Although, I knew I was meant to be a mom! We finally figured out what was wrong and is alot more common now than I thought. It is a clotting disorder which with a blood thinner (which is given by injection in the tummy) Yes I said tummy I was able to have healthy children!!!! The injections were hard to do sometimes. But, as a result I have the most amazing kids in the world. So, yes I do get emotional when I think about them growing so fast. I tried so long to get them here and before my eyes they are growing up to be these beautiful little people. So if you are having trouble getting pregnant, please don't give up. It will happen. It may take a little help from a professional, but if you were born to be a mommy like I felt I was, You will become one also!! So I need to take the time to say thankyou to my wonderful , silly kids ,,, Thankyou for choosing me to be your mommy!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

My New Blog

                                                              This is Ellie & she is 13! 
                                                     This little guy is Nick & he is 3! 
                                                       This is my 15 year old Brooks!

                 This is Emma Grace and she is 5 years old! Well, she will be 6 in December!