{Please note that ALL photographs on this blog are from Studio LRT taken by Linda Talley are protected by U.S. Copyright Laws and may NOT be reproduced an ANY manner.}

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

 I can't believe the year is about to be over! I sit here thinking about the year that we have had here at the Talley home and am very thankful for the year that we have had. I, like many others seem to make resolutions that I never keep. So, I decided that this year I am going to simplify my life and not make crazy resolutions I know will not be met!!! This year, I am going to make resolutions that will make my life easy and fun. For instance, when the kids want to play a game, instead of saying no" the house needs cleaned" I am going to play that game because the house will never stay clean!!!!! No, I am not on strike! I realized that my kids are only little so long and I want to spend as much time with them as I can. My biggest gift in life was my children and I do not want to take that for granted and sometimes I feel I do. So, with that said, I will make a resolution that will not be difficult to break. I am going to hug, hold, kiss, play, laugh, and love my kids like crazy!!!!!!!!! My kids have shaped me into the person I am today! I owe that to them. I am very thankful for getting to be a Mommy!!!!!

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