{Please note that ALL photographs on this blog are from Studio LRT taken by Linda Talley are protected by U.S. Copyright Laws and may NOT be reproduced an ANY manner.}

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

 I can't believe the year is about to be over! I sit here thinking about the year that we have had here at the Talley home and am very thankful for the year that we have had. I, like many others seem to make resolutions that I never keep. So, I decided that this year I am going to simplify my life and not make crazy resolutions I know will not be met!!! This year, I am going to make resolutions that will make my life easy and fun. For instance, when the kids want to play a game, instead of saying no" the house needs cleaned" I am going to play that game because the house will never stay clean!!!!! No, I am not on strike! I realized that my kids are only little so long and I want to spend as much time with them as I can. My biggest gift in life was my children and I do not want to take that for granted and sometimes I feel I do. So, with that said, I will make a resolution that will not be difficult to break. I am going to hug, hold, kiss, play, laugh, and love my kids like crazy!!!!!!!!! My kids have shaped me into the person I am today! I owe that to them. I am very thankful for getting to be a Mommy!!!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The holidays

                                                The newest addition to our family.... ( Sabastian )
                                                                       The Girls

                                                                 The grandkids

I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Haven't had a minute to sit down until now to post a blog. We had a great Christmas! We got to spend it with family and friends that we don't get to see much. It's a little sad that we don't get to see them because most live in the same town. I guess it's just that everyone is so busy and I guess that's what made it so special this year. Everyone took the time.  I wanted to post a few cute shot I got from our family gatherings! 

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Nick!

      I can hardly believe that just 4 years ago today, I held Nick in my arms for the first time. I remember it like it was yesterday! I think when you know you have had your last baby, you know it's the beginning of a brand new chapter...But sometimes seems like the last chapter! That is how I am feeling today! Very happy for my big boy, who is very happy that he is 4 today. But, sad for me, because I know he will not stay that little baby I held in my arms very long. I adore the little boy he has become and the little man I know he will be! So, I will not bore you with all the sadness I am feeling today, Just a few pics of my baby boy!!!!! I love you Nicky!!! Happy Birthday and thank you for choosing me to be your MOMMY!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Nick "As The Grinch"

What an Imagination!!! Can you tell what their newest Obsession is????? 

The Grinch!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Emma!

Today is Emma's 6th birthday!!! My girl is growing up. I can't believe that 6 years ago I had my first child. It took us 5 years to get her here and I adore the little girl she is turning out to be. I know it goes by too fast and I have to stop and enjoy every little detail of her life from how great she colors to how she loves to have her back scratched at night when she falls asleep! I will miss those things. I know all to well that one day very soon she won't ask me those sweet little things like "Mommy how do you spell........." which is what we do here every 5 seconds.  So with that I want to say Happy Birthday Miss Emma!!!! I love you and I am very proud of you and Thankyou for choosing me to be your MOMMY!!!! Also, thankyou for always being my subject for all those photos I want to try. I hope you love your new camera and enjoy this wonderful Hobby as I do!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I wanted to thank Tiffany for all her help this weekend. She was a huge help and I would not have been able to do all those pictures without her. So thank you so much. You are a rockstar girl to hold up in that freezing weather!!!   And of course to Missy and Scott for letting me be there to do the pictures. So thank you so much guys.

It was a fun weekend at Creekside Nursery this weekend. I took photos there for kids that wanted their picture made with Santa. As you can see my kids made the scene and Nick only wanted to sit with Daddy and tell Santa from a distance what he wanted for Christmas. It was his first year getting even close to Santa. So, we were patient. I believe daddy tried to go incognito with the shades as you can see. FYI daddy lose the shades next year. But, thanks for keeping the distance from Santa for me......Love Nick! 

Friday, December 5, 2008


I would like to remind everyone that Creekside Nursery will be having Santa and a few of his reindeer this weekend. So be sure and come down to have your picture made with Santa. I will be doing photos, so no need for you to worry about bringing your camera. It can be taken for you and put in a nice card for $5.00. I can also do packages and they can be ordered and sent to you within 3-5 days. My holiday packages start at $15.00. So be sure to come out and get your Christmas tree or decorations and see Santa. Hope to see everyone there..... 

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Bevers photo shoot

Yes, Blake is the one not lookin at the camera!
Brad, Brandon and Davin You are so precious!!!
I did a shoot for my nephews yesterday and wanted to post a few pictures. A little sneak preview. Also wanted to update ....I was informed that I do not update enough!!!! So here you go Tiffany. This is the 3rd time that I have done a shoot with little Blake. I still haven't gotten him to look at the camera with the other boys. So, sorry that you can't see his beautiful little eyes. He's a people watcher and we were at the park. So there you go.........Enjoy and I will update sooner......